Marceline / Hannibal Ride (CANCELLED/POSTPONED)

Event date: 
Fri, 09/27/2024 - 6:30am to Sun, 09/29/2024 - 3:00pm

Walt’s Hometown Museum

Friday, 9/27/2024 - Sunday, 9/29/2024

Reg. & KSU at St. Charles Harley-Davidson

Hotel Information:

Best Western 401 N. 3rd Street Hannibal


Room Rate is $146 plus tax – Reserved under St. Charles H.O.G. – Rooms MUST be reserved by 8/27

Dinner Cruise Information:

$62.00 per person

Boards @ 6pm

Cruise is from 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Dinner – 7:15pm

Ride to Marceline, MO to visit Walt Disney’s Hometown

Lunch at Ma Vic’s Corner Café

Visit Walt’s Hometown Museum; The Disney Family Farm

& Finish in Hannibal MO for a Dinner Cruise aboard the Mark Twain

We will Overnight in Hannibal for 2 nights.

Closed Group Ride

For more information contact Joe Bilodeau 636-577-4767 | [email protected]

St. Charles H.O.G. Chapter supports a “don’t drink and ride” policy

Event location:
St. Charles Harley-Davidson
3808 W Clay St.
St Charles MO 63301

Closed Event: Chapter activities are conducted primarily for the benefit of H.O.G. Chapter members. Closed Events are those events open to Chapter members and one guest per member.  All guests must sign an event release. Be aware, all rides and events are subject to change or cancellation due to weather or other circumstances beyond our control.

Event Coordinator: 
Cheryl M
Activities Officer